We are fighting against the destruction of the most complete Garden City in the world.
Whether you are a member of the Keep the G in WGC group, or a concerned member of the community, you will be aware of our success with influencing the decision made by Council to reject the Bio Park Housing application in WGC. This success was the result of a collaboration of various groups in our beautiful town, namely Keep the G, the Welwyn Garden City Society, the Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust and you, the fantastic supporters of each group.

Moving forward there are several campaigns that include the Bio Park appeal to fight, plus objections to the Wheat Quarter North and Southside applications to highlight. We will continue with a range of activities that will protect what we already have, and promote sustainable growth into the future.
To achieve further success, with these complex and ever-changing applications, there will be times when we need to use expert resources.
This where YOU come in, through your direct financial support and/or helping us to arrange fundraising events.
If you think you can help us then please get in touch using
We are always keen to hear from people who can deliver leaflets, join us on action days, give donations or come up with good ideas for fund-raising activities.
A leaflet run costs around £300. Keep the G in WGC handed out more than 7,000 leaflets across Welwyn Garden City to try and raise support against the BioPark proposal last year. Members are giving their time to help run the campaign, raise awareness of the planning applications, provide expert knowledge, and lobby local councillors. Even if you can’t physically get involved, we’d really appreciate it if you could donate towards the cause. Your donation WILL help to ensure the ultimate success of these campaigns, making a real difference.
Please click Donate to make a donation via our gofundme page.
The town you are proud of end enjoy living, could very soon be more like Inner London than a world-famous Garden City.
Really care about the Garden City? Take urgent action today. Together we are stronger.
You can also HELP by:
Writing to
Call or email your ward Councillors
Tell your friends and neighbours
Join us on Facebook: Keep the G in WGC.
Email Keep The G:
We’ll be launching the next appeal shortly, and as the Wheat Quarter decisions get ever closer, we will need all the help we can get. By contributing in this way, you will be actively involved in making a significant difference, to what we collectively will achieve.
Join us on Facebook 🙂
Then ask THREE friends to join 🙂🙂🙂
Who then tell THREE friends each
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Who then tell THREE friends each
🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂 🙂🙂🙂
You get the picture, start spreading the word