For those of you who have previously objected to this application and wish to modify or add to what you previously stated you can contact, quoting Appeal Reference APP/C1950/W/22/3294860
We recommend that you focus on a few key issues such as;
Height, density and the large number of proposed units
Lack of provision for the Social and family housing needed on our waiting lists
Design that does not match or enhance the unique heritage style of our distinctive town
Lack of support to relieve pressure on our already over-stretched infrastructure & services
Disregard for the relevant planning and design guidelines
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The Biopark application for 289 dwellings, on a small patch of land, was firmly and rightly rejected by the DMC on September 9th 2021. Ten councillors voted to reject the BioPark proposal, and only three councillors supported the BioPark proposal. None of the three councillors represented Welwyn Garden City; two represent Hatfield, and the chairman represents Brookmans Park and Little Heath.
Whether you are a member of the Keep the G in WGC group, or a concerned member of the community, you will be aware of our success with influencing the decision made to reject the Bio Park Housing application in WGC. This success was the result of the collaboration of various groups in our beautiful town, namely Keep the G, the Welwyn Garden City Society, the Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust and you, the fantastic supporters of each group, who really care about our heritage and future.
FIRST application rejected -
In total 674 objections were received, 27 comments and 5 letters of support. All representations received are published in full on the Council’s website
The main areas of Objection were based on the applicants inability to follow national, local and quality design guidelines and recommendations. These included HEIGHT, DENSITY, BLOCK DESIGN that was out of cinque with the town's design heritage, INSUFFICIENT useable GREEN SPACE, and NO MIX of different & family accommodation types (all were flats)......The list continues!
The applicant has presented an appeal, based on most of the provisions of the original application. We need to act quickly to ensure they are unsuccessful yet again. The Biopark, planning appeal application 6/2020/3420/MAJ
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much
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Councillor Russ Platt expresses disappointment as a BioPark appeal is confirmed